Latest Episodes
Steve Mickel: A Legacy of Hope, 1 Peter 1:3
Evan Earwicker: Transforming the Soul, Matthew 16:26
The health of your soul isn’t just a matter of being saved or unsaved. It’s the hinge on which the rest of your life...
Bo Stern Brady: Empty and Full, Colossians 2:2, 6-9
The natural condition of life for human beings is one of reciprocal rootedness in others. As firmness of footing is a condition of walking...
Steve Mickel: Transforming the Body, 2 Corinthians 6:12-20
For good or for evil, the body lies right at the center of the spiritual life…one can immediately see all around us that the...
Ben Fleming: Transforming the Will, Mark 14:32-42
What we think is very much a matter of what we wish and seek to think, and what we feel is very much a...
David Dealy: Transforming The Mind, Romans 12:2
As we first turned away from God in our thoughts, so it is in our thoughts that the first movements toward the renovation of...