Latest Episodes
Evan Earwicker: Our Place In The Story, Matthew 16:13-18
Ben Fleming: Two Sons and a Father, Luke 15:11-32
Steve Mickel: He Is Enough, John 20:29-31
Steve Mickel: A Better Metaphor, Matthew 5:3-10
We've long loved the metaphor of being an "Army for the Lord." It can be confusing. Especially today. Jesus offers a beautiful metaphor in...
Ben Fleming: How Jesus Saves the World, Matthew 4:1-11
Jesus is tempted in the desert with safety, influence and political power; or, the most common desires of the world. Over the last generation...
Bo Stern Brady: The Greatest Wonder Of All, John 1:1-18
Beauty, mystery and wonder. All three of them go together. We wonder at things that are beautiful and mysterious. Children most often find themselves...