Latest Episodes
Evan Earwicker: The Order of Creation, Genesis 1:1-2:25
In the beginning, God brought order and life into a world filled with chaos and disorder. Spiritual rhythms connect us to God, bringing order...
Ben Fleming: Quiet Ways We Worship, 1 Timothy 4:6-10
Silence and solitude can lead us through reflection and self-discovery into an understanding of God's plan, help us identify our inner struggles, and ultimately...
Dave Dealy: A Shared Life With Jesus, Mark 8:34-35
Jesus modeled discipleship in the context of a diverse community. As we seek to follow Him, we can't let individualism, idealism, and intimidation hinder...
Evan Earwicker: What is a Rhythm of Life?, Romans 12:1-2
Rhythms of Life keep us connected to Jesus. They move us beyond religious checkboxes into a lifestyle that integrates faith into everyday moments.
Evan Earwicker: Life. Love. Jesus., Matthew 28:18-20
The mission of Westside Church can be summarized as Life in Community, Love for our Neighbors, with Jesus at the Center. Pastor Evan breaks...
Ben Fleming: God is Grace and Truth, John 1:14-18
Jesus reveals the glory of God as full of grace and truth. We offer both to the world around us, following Jesus' example of...