Bo Stern-Brady: A Present Day Of The Lord, Joel 2

October 05, 2020 00:30:13
Bo Stern-Brady: A Present Day Of The Lord, Joel 2
Westside Church
Bo Stern-Brady: A Present Day Of The Lord, Joel 2

Oct 05 2020 | 00:30:13


Show Notes

What do we do when we’re faced with the unimaginable? With something so far outside our ability to fight or navigate? That’s 2020. It seems like we’re on an endless loop of new crises and if you look at everything we’ve faced this year, you realize: We’re still in the middle of pretty much all of it. Still in a pandemic, still in racial unrest and governmental upheaval and - hey, those wild fires are still burning in California. The book of Joel was not written TO us, but it was written FOR us. It has so much to tell us about who God is when the world falls apart. #lifelovejesus #westsidechurch

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