Latest Episodes

Ben Fleming: Jesus Is Providing for Hungry People, Mark 6:30-44
Jesus Is King: The Gospel of Mark Pt 9 | Jesus challenges us to be generous, curious, and actively seeking forgiveness when interacting with...

Ben Fleming: Jesus Is Sending Us Out, Mark 6:1-12
Jesus Is King: The Gospel of Mark Pt 8 | God’s calling is not about waiting for specific, extraordinary signs – but about living...

Evan Earwicker: Jesus Is Never in a Hurry, Mark 5:21-34
Jesus Is King: The Gospel of Mark Pt 7 | Jesus values our faith in Him over societal rules and religious condemnation. He invites...

Evan Earwicker: Jesus Is Calming the Storm, Mark 4:35-41
Jesus Is King: The Gospel of Mark Pt 6 | Jesus models confidence in God’s sovereignty by leaning on two of God’s promises: He...

Ben Fleming: Jesus Is Growing a Kingdom, Mark 4:1-20
Jesus Is King: The Gospel of Mark Pt 5 | Jesus uses the Parable of the Sower to highlight how the Word of God...

Ben Fleming: Jesus Is Greater than the Sabbath, Mark 2:23-28
Jesus Is King: The Gospel of Mark Pt 4 | Jesus demonstrates that the Sabbath is intended to be a gift that meets the...